Selected Books and Articles - Dr. John Tanton immigration reformist and environmental sustainability leader
Selected Articles by John Tanton
International Migration as an Obstacle to Achieving World Stability, Ecologist, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 221-227, 1975; the Mitchell Prize Essay on International Migration by John Tanton, 1975.
End of the Migration Epoch?, by John Tanton.
This article, along with six critical reviews and the author's response, is reprinted from The Social Contract journal. Dr. Tanton asks how much longer massive international migration can go on, and then sets forth a new paradigm and a set of ethical principles to govern migration policy. From the prologue:
Adage tells us that we often 'don't see the forest for the trees.' Nowhere is this more true than in immigration policy the complexity of immigration law or the plight of individual migrants tends to narrow our focus and bog us down in minutiae.
This paper backs away from the details and examines the bigger picture - in the longer run. It explores the three 'pillars' on which the contemporary migration edifice is built population growth engendered by public and personal health measures, better transportation, and better communications. It closes with a new paradigm for under-standing migration phenomena, and with a new set of ethical principles to guide immigration policy in the twenty-first century.
See more information on the Mitchell Prize.
Dr. Tanton is the author of numerous articles, editorials and opinion pieces, many of which can be found by searching under his name in The Social Contract archives (you can search by author here).
Related articles and booklets
The short article by Garrett Hardin, Nobody Ever Dies of Overpopulation, illustrates how we deny the fundamental cause of many of our environmental problems.
Common Sense on Mass Immigration, published by John Tanton's The Social Contract is collection of mini-essays in 40-page softcover pocket-sized booklet. These essays serve as a very good introduction to the issue of mass immigration.

The Ethics of Immigration Policy, published by John Tanton's The Social Contract is collection of mini-essays in 40-page softcover pocket-sized booklet. You can download and view these short essays.
Selected articles about John Tanton
- Outstanding physicians recognized, The Torch, Central Lake, Michigan (April 12, 2005)
John H. Tanton, M.D., of Petoskey, was recognized [by the Michigan State Medical Society] for his efforts to improve local, state, national and worldwide environmental protection, clean-up and awareness. Tanton, and ophthalmologist, founded or helped establish a number of conservation groups, including the local chapters of the Audubon Society and Sierra Club, among many others. - John Tanton, The Anti-Immigration Crusader, The New York Times (April 17, 2011)
- Keeping America Empty, by Christopher Hayes, In These Times (April 24, 2006)
- On Immigration, A Theorist Who's No Fence-Sitter, by Anita Huslin, The Washington Post (November 26, 2006)
- John Tanton, Father of Anti-Immigration Movement Awaits History's Judgment, by Jonathan Tilove, The Grand Rapids Press (April 23, 2006). © Newhouse News
- Article: Prop. 63 Roots Traced to Small Michigan City - "Measure to Make English Official Language of State Sprang From Concern Over Immigration, Population", by William Trombley, Los Angeles Times (October 20, 1986)
Selected Books by John Tanton
The Immigration Invasion, by Wayne Lutton and John Tanton, The Social Contract Press, 1994 (softcover, 190 pages).
This book "presages our gathering immigration storm as has no other single publication" says nationally syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer. The book discusses the problems created by U.S. immigration policies, reviews how we got into this predicament, and outlines specific and realistic solutions.
Selected Books about John Tanton
John and Mary Lou Tanton's biography,
Mary Lou & John Tanton: A Journey into American Conservation by John F. Rohe (2002). (You can download the entire book in PDF format for free).
You can download, print and read the biography in Acrobat PDF format here (769kb). The biography also is available as a paperback for $15.95 plus shipping and handling from:
From the back cover: In the foreword to this book, Governor Richard D. Lamm observes two themes: first, it is an insight into how new viewpoints gain a foothold in the world of ideas... and second, it is a lesson on how people from even remote parts of America can assert their ideas by the power of their message, the wisdom of their strategies, and the strength of their personalities.
Raised on family homesteaded farms, Mary Lou and John Tanton developed a love of the land and a sense of place. This affinity for the land eventually led them to the hub of a divisive national controversy involving citizenship, language, culture, family planning, conservation, and American identity. When our successors search for a caring voice in our age, an echo from the Tantons will still be heard.
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